Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Starlin's Learning the Physics behind the Flying of a Kite

    There are many things you have to know about flying a kite for example a kite needs Lift vs Gravity. For example Wind moving across from the sail of the kite creates the pressure for the kite to fly. So in this case it Lifts the kite up and makes it able to fly. The Gravity of the kite is the downward force, The force is creates by the weight that the kite has.

    Although there are forces like Lift Vs Gravity there is also a force named " Drag " Kites include Drag in many ways for example Drag is created by the wind resistance on the kites surface. Another example is that the turbulence behind the kite can also be a result. 
    Dihedral is also a force from a kite Dihedral is another word for geomatry Dihedraal describes the angle formed when two wings come together. 

    " Yaw " do you know what that means ? Yaw is a action that rotates about a kites vertical axis. 

    " Pitch " Pitch is the rotating action about a kites lateral axis. 

    And last but not least " Roll " ​Roll is the rotating action about a Kite's longitudinal axis.

     Wow there is alot of axis's in Kites's :).

Tai's Learning the Physics behind the Flying of a Kite

Now we will all learn a little bit more about gravity than what you do know from school. Gravitation, or gravity, is a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other. It is most commonly recognized and experienced as the agent that gives weight to physical objects and causes physical objects to fall toward the ground when dropped from a height. Now as you know well should know gravity is the only thing keeping us on this planet. If it wasn't for that we all be floating around in space somewhere. Even though jumping higher would be great but the only thing is that you would be risking he chance of being lost in space. Which is not a good thing. It is hypothesized that the gravitational force is mediated by a massless spin-2 particle called the gravitation

Jeremiah's Setting Goals for your Team

For are amazing group kite we must need goals. Here are my teams goals.

Goal 1:  have the highest flying kite. We can have that because are kite is going to be light weighted. 

Goal 2:  have the longest flying kite we are going to make it balance so it can stay in the air.

Goal 3: have the smallest flying kite because in order to do all of the goals we got to have the smallest.

Jeremiah's Biography

Jeremiah is the best dancer alive! Since day one he has been dancing even as a baby. When Jeremiah got older he put his attention to sports like football.His grades were amazing in fifth grade. When he was to the 6th grade promoted he had trouble. He did not know that six grade was going to be hard so he tried his best to keep his grades up. In the school there was a talent show so Jeremiah had joined in. The whole entire school competed against each other. When the show was over they called the top 3 Jeremiah was one of them who knew he can dance. Since that day Jeremiah had studied dancing so he can improve. All hi s life he was afraid to dance in front of people now gained courage. In the future Jeremiah wants to be successful so he will like to be an FBI.  

Tai's Setting Goals for your Team

I know to some people making goals aren't the first thing they want to do. I know this feeling because when I was little the teacher would tell me to make a goal. The first thing I would write is something like beating a level in a video game or something else that wasn't related to school. In this case, they would tell me they wouldn't accept it because it's either not about school or it doesn't have to do with what we are doing in school. I feel my group picked the highest flying kite as our first goal personally because I feel that everyone around should be able to see our kite. Our second goal, is to keep that kite in the air the longest. I feel that might be the hardest because the last time I even used a kite I was like 4 and it crashed in a tree. Now the last goal we made up was having the smallest kite but the first thing I thought was how we are getting a design on it! 

Jeremiah's Theme

Today was a day that started of terrible then became a historical event in society. The argument had started off with Ms Grate telling my group to pick a theme .Suddenly a debate had started between Christian and I.Boom inspiration had struck christian  he wanted to pick animals because an eagle is our school mascot and I wanted to pick Death because it is a mysterious thing i mean have you ever wounded what happens when you die? So my friend Starlin had made an amazing and creative  solution. So he made us compromised, which is to combine our choices, so he said, "Lets have Deathly Eagles." Both me and Christian had loved the theme and stopped arguing at once and from there we been friends.

Eagle Kites