Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Starlin's Kite Vocabulary

Brindle - The Bridle puts the surface of the kite at the correct angle to the wind so that it has a lift to fly

Fittings - A fitting of a kite is basically the piece that makes the 2 sticks that go across from each other stick together. 

Keel - In the simplest kite, you have two thin crossed pieces of wood covered by paper. The keel is the longer piece of wood. 

Line - 
Kite line comes in many different sizes, diameter, lengths, weights, and construction.   Choosing the right line for you kite is almost as important as 0,pl[\/;ol[p;=choosing the kite ';.l./[;'popl,=itself.
​Sail - is the wings of the kite that basicaly makes the kite goes different ways when the wind comes a certain wa

Spars - Spars are the sticks which hold the kites shape against the wind. 

​Tail - Kites have tails for stability and proper flight. Without the tail, kites will come crashing back to the earth because they will just be blowing over

Tow point - The tow point of the kite makes the kite stay how it is and go different directions.

Spreader - The Upper Spreader is a single piece that connects to the Upper Leading Edge via Leading Edge Fittings. The Upper Spreader does not connect to the Spine directly, but the center of the Upper Spreader will touch, or nearly touch, the Sail against the spine. 

​Spine - The spine of a kite is the 2 sticks that stretches the kites so that they wouldn't wiggle around everywhere. 

If your trying too build a kite you should probably know how what the names of the kite are and how to put them. 
Many times people thing that the the Spine is just 2 regular sticks standing there to make it straight but no the Spine is the part that makes the kite go many other ways. 


  1. Not all of the vocabulary words have a picture posted with the. Maybe if you put in some more pictures people would see it and want to read that definition.

  2. why did you post two why not use one vocabulary
