Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Starlin's Learning the Physics behind the Flying of a Kite

    There are many things you have to know about flying a kite for example a kite needs Lift vs Gravity. For example Wind moving across from the sail of the kite creates the pressure for the kite to fly. So in this case it Lifts the kite up and makes it able to fly. The Gravity of the kite is the downward force, The force is creates by the weight that the kite has.

    Although there are forces like Lift Vs Gravity there is also a force named " Drag " Kites include Drag in many ways for example Drag is created by the wind resistance on the kites surface. Another example is that the turbulence behind the kite can also be a result. 
    Dihedral is also a force from a kite Dihedral is another word for geomatry Dihedraal describes the angle formed when two wings come together. 

    " Yaw " do you know what that means ? Yaw is a action that rotates about a kites vertical axis. 

    " Pitch " Pitch is the rotating action about a kites lateral axis. 

    And last but not least " Roll " ​Roll is the rotating action about a Kite's longitudinal axis.

     Wow there is alot of axis's in Kites's :).

Tai's Learning the Physics behind the Flying of a Kite

Now we will all learn a little bit more about gravity than what you do know from school. Gravitation, or gravity, is a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other. It is most commonly recognized and experienced as the agent that gives weight to physical objects and causes physical objects to fall toward the ground when dropped from a height. Now as you know well should know gravity is the only thing keeping us on this planet. If it wasn't for that we all be floating around in space somewhere. Even though jumping higher would be great but the only thing is that you would be risking he chance of being lost in space. Which is not a good thing. It is hypothesized that the gravitational force is mediated by a massless spin-2 particle called the gravitation

Jeremiah's Setting Goals for your Team

For are amazing group kite we must need goals. Here are my teams goals.

Goal 1:  have the highest flying kite. We can have that because are kite is going to be light weighted. 

Goal 2:  have the longest flying kite we are going to make it balance so it can stay in the air.

Goal 3: have the smallest flying kite because in order to do all of the goals we got to have the smallest.

Jeremiah's Biography

Jeremiah is the best dancer alive! Since day one he has been dancing even as a baby. When Jeremiah got older he put his attention to sports like football.His grades were amazing in fifth grade. When he was to the 6th grade promoted he had trouble. He did not know that six grade was going to be hard so he tried his best to keep his grades up. In the school there was a talent show so Jeremiah had joined in. The whole entire school competed against each other. When the show was over they called the top 3 Jeremiah was one of them who knew he can dance. Since that day Jeremiah had studied dancing so he can improve. All hi s life he was afraid to dance in front of people now gained courage. In the future Jeremiah wants to be successful so he will like to be an FBI.  

Tai's Setting Goals for your Team

I know to some people making goals aren't the first thing they want to do. I know this feeling because when I was little the teacher would tell me to make a goal. The first thing I would write is something like beating a level in a video game or something else that wasn't related to school. In this case, they would tell me they wouldn't accept it because it's either not about school or it doesn't have to do with what we are doing in school. I feel my group picked the highest flying kite as our first goal personally because I feel that everyone around should be able to see our kite. Our second goal, is to keep that kite in the air the longest. I feel that might be the hardest because the last time I even used a kite I was like 4 and it crashed in a tree. Now the last goal we made up was having the smallest kite but the first thing I thought was how we are getting a design on it! 

Jeremiah's Theme

Today was a day that started of terrible then became a historical event in society. The argument had started off with Ms Grate telling my group to pick a theme .Suddenly a debate had started between Christian and I.Boom inspiration had struck christian  he wanted to pick animals because an eagle is our school mascot and I wanted to pick Death because it is a mysterious thing i mean have you ever wounded what happens when you die? So my friend Starlin had made an amazing and creative  solution. So he made us compromised, which is to combine our choices, so he said, "Lets have Deathly Eagles." Both me and Christian had loved the theme and stopped arguing at once and from there we been friends.

Eagle Kites

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tai's Exploring Varius Styles of Kites

This kite is called the winged box kite because you see those things on the side that's the wings and it also looks just like a box kite

This kite is called the delta.

This kite we all should know and love is the diamond it's falls into the name diamond because of the shape.

This kite is called the sled because it looks a lot like a sled.

This is the box kite it's called this because it looks a lot like rectangular prism. 

Starlin's Exploring Various Styles of Kites

Flat kite- A Flat Kite is a kite that is straight.
Bowed Kite- A Bowed kite is a kite that is basicaly inflatable kites that incorporate a bridle. 

Cellular Kite- Cellular kite are types of kites that perform good threw windy sutations, they are 3 dimensional flying kites. 
Multi- Line - A Multi line kite is basicaly a stunt kite. It can be maneuvered in the air. 

Fighters & Flexible - They are special kites that are used for kite fighting. Most of these kites are small.

Figure - A figure of a kite is basicaly an example.

Soft - Soft kites establish and hold their own shape with air pressure these kites are easy to set up and take down but may take alot of time. 

Stacks & Train - Train kites have some wings in the kite all using the same tether set they use the same tether set so that they can both bet treated the same for example if you pull one of the wings one side it will go the side you want it to go. There are alot of example's of Kite Stacks and Kite Trains like Snakes, Trains, Dragons, Centipedes, chains, and beads

Christian's Kite Vocabulary

What are the parts of a kite?

Bridle :The "Bridle" puts the surface of the Kite at the correct angle to the wind so that it has Lift to fly, as well as stability.

Fittings: The  fitting of a kite is basically the 2 sticks that go across from each other that makes the kite not wiggle everywhere.

Keel - In the simplest kite, you have two thin crossed pieces of wood covered by paper. The keel is the longer piece of wood.

Line - 
Kite line comes in many different sizes, diameter, lengths, weights, and construction.   Choosing the right line for you kite is almost as important as choosing the kite itself.

 ​Sail - is the wings of the kite that basically makes the kite goes different ways when the wind comes a certain way.

Spars- are the sticks which hold the kites shape against the wind.

Tail:-kites have a tail to stability and proper flight. without the tail, kites will come down and crash because then will be blown over.

Tow point:- The tow point of the kite makes the kite stay how it is and go different directions.Spreader - The Upper Spreader is a single piece that connects to the Upper Leading Edge via Leading Edge Fittings. The Upper Spreader does not connect to the Spine directly, but the center of the Upper Spreader will touch, or nearly touch, the Sail against the Spine.
.The spine of a kite is the two sticks that stretches the kite so it can stay flying straight.

Starlin's Kite Vocabulary

Brindle - The Bridle puts the surface of the kite at the correct angle to the wind so that it has a lift to fly

Fittings - A fitting of a kite is basically the piece that makes the 2 sticks that go across from each other stick together. 

Keel - In the simplest kite, you have two thin crossed pieces of wood covered by paper. The keel is the longer piece of wood. 

Line - 
Kite line comes in many different sizes, diameter, lengths, weights, and construction.   Choosing the right line for you kite is almost as important as 0,pl[\/;ol[p;=choosing the kite ';.l./[;'popl,=itself.
​Sail - is the wings of the kite that basicaly makes the kite goes different ways when the wind comes a certain wa

Spars - Spars are the sticks which hold the kites shape against the wind. 

​Tail - Kites have tails for stability and proper flight. Without the tail, kites will come crashing back to the earth because they will just be blowing over

Tow point - The tow point of the kite makes the kite stay how it is and go different directions.

Spreader - The Upper Spreader is a single piece that connects to the Upper Leading Edge via Leading Edge Fittings. The Upper Spreader does not connect to the Spine directly, but the center of the Upper Spreader will touch, or nearly touch, the Sail against the spine. 

​Spine - The spine of a kite is the 2 sticks that stretches the kites so that they wouldn't wiggle around everywhere. 

If your trying too build a kite you should probably know how what the names of the kite are and how to put them. 
Many times people thing that the the Spine is just 2 regular sticks standing there to make it straight but no the Spine is the part that makes the kite go many other ways. 

Tai's Kite Vocabulary

Now does anyone know every part of a kite, no. Well maybe yet, do you know what each and every part does. Not too many people try to find out but that's ok I'm going to do all that for you. Yes, you heard me right I said I'll do it all for you. Ok let me start with the spine of the kite. 
      The spine of a kite is the two sticks that stretches the kite so it can stay flying straight. 
     Now the Brindle is the part of the kite that puts the surface of the kite at the correct angle to the wind giving it a lift to fly up, up and away. 
     Next we have the Fittings - A fitting of a kite is basically the piece that makes the 2 sticks that go across from each other stick allowing it to stay together and does not fall apart. 
     Now the Line - The kites line is what comes in all sorts of sizes, diameter, length, weight, and construction. 
     Now this piece I feel is one of the most important pieces, Sail - is the wings of the kite that basically makes the kite go different ways when the wind comes a certain way. 
     Keel - You have two thin crossed pieces of wood covered by paper right. Well the keel is the longer piece of wood. 
      Spars - Spars are the sticks which hold the kite shape against the wind.
       Tail Kites have tails for stability and proper flight. Without the tail, kites will come crashing back to the earth because they will just be blowing over. 
        Spreader - The Upper Spreader is a single piece that connects to the Upper Leading Edge via Leading Edge Fittings. The Upper Spreader does not connect to the Spine directly, but the center of the Upper Spreader will touch, or nearly touch, the Sail against the Spine. 
          Tow point - The tow point of the kite makes the kite stay how it is and go different directions. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

History of kites Comic Strips

Are we artists or what ? :) 

Yes yes we are :) 
Now when it comes to thinking about kites first thing that I think of besides flying one, is one of our great Presidents Benjamin Franklin but not for America he was president of Pennsylvania. The first United States   Ambassador to France to. I don't know much about him yet out of what I do know is that Benjamin Franklin studied kites for many years and that led to people continuing his work for 150 years. He also signed the declaration of independence which, has nothing to do with what we are doing right now so I shouldn't mention it but the only thing I will mention is that it was done on this date July 4 1776 in Washington D.C.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Deathly Eagle Kite Goals

 When I was young and, still even now all of my teachers always say set goals for yourself and you will do great things. For  example they said that I might own a school or something small like finally learn how to ride a bike.But now i'm all grown up and now understand why we need to set goals.So my goals for my group is to...

Goal#1:Have The highest flying kite
Goal#2:Have The smallest flying kite
Goal#3:Have The longest flying kite

            Goal#1: My group and I picked the " highest flying kite" as our first goal because when I was young my, Mom and Dad always said to dream big and reach for the clouds.So I would want our kite our to reach for the clouds to show that we as a group dream big and do our best.

            Goal#2: Me and my group picked the" smallest flying kite" for our kite because we, all agreed that our school is an "environmental engineering school" that tries  to save and conserve energy and paper, and ,fabric, almost everything to help the earth.

            Goal#3: Finally my group and I for our last goal picked the" longest flying kite' as our last goal because we really wanted to show off our school by showing that we don't give up and that we stand Strong and shine bright in the the sky.

     Now that I told you guys my goals for our kites, I now must achieve them!

Christian's Deathly Eagles Theme

There is smoke every where, and you don't know were you are, wait are you dead?!? 
what or who killed you, could it be one of those evil and deadly eagles ! Me and my group chose the theme Eagles because the animal  is so mysterious. Did you ever know that for eagles, to shed there feathers they need to bite off there feathers one by one. Almost the same thing with its beak, they must break it off and crack it, so the new beak can grow in. Do you think you know what an eagle looks like well wait to you see our kite  in the big blue sky. Will our eagle be a dark bird, or a beautiful one in the sky. Well that is  why me and my group chose the theme deadly eagles so you and, your family can know what an eagle really looks like. Or at least  this is our I idea of it.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Tai's Biography

       Tai likes to play video games and staying home hanging out, possibly have some friends over. Tai was born on September 24
       He doesn't like going outside to much. Just walking a block or, two he gets tired so if you ever meet him any where don't ask him to walk somewhere that he doesn't have to go. If anything ask about a video game then you will get his,ears,open he would possibly run a marathon for a new video game or possibly even getting money to buy one.
       The only thing he thinks about most when he is not doing this is eating because he always feels hungry. He also likes the great reptiles of long ago. Now just because he doesn't like to go outside doesn't mean anything. He has gone out to fly a kite when he was younger it was the shape of a eagle. I mean a bald eagle. 
       One of the things he hates the most to have to get to know new people that's why even if he really wanted to he wouldn't trade anything for his true two best of friends Jahiem and Esai. He still keeps in contact with these two friends but would like to see them more even though they went to another school. When Tai gets older he wants to be a archaeologist. 
        The future is his adventure out there because being a archaeologist your traveling the world you know as Earth. The high school that he wants to go to, to make this goal is going to Brooklyn Tech.

Christian's Biography

 Christian was born in Brooklyn, New York, on June 7. He was a very smart and a funny young boy. As Christian developed his life he soon found out that he had a passion for art,baseball,and video games. Christian was an intense gamer.
      As smart  as  Christian was he always  thought he knew everything there was to know, so he got real lazy, and not as smart as he was before. but still Christian was smart and still was a great  artist and gamer. You may have seen him an art show at his old school. He won first place. After the art show, time flew by and Christian put drawing aside,and started to get into robotics.
     Christian got to work on the first nao robot. From there Christian found out what he wanted to be in life, the awesome, and cool job he now always wanted to work as. Christian wanted to be the CEO of a company that was owned by him. In the company there would be robots that dance, chairs that fly  and anything else that came to Christian's eye or mind.
       All through out Christian's life he was a great and amazing artist and engineer that's why he choose the role to be product designer.

Starlin's biography

From the AMAZING world of technology there is a Young Person named Starlin he is always on the internet at night, and in the morning. Starlin was born in Dominican Republic, on September 22. Starlin dreamed to learn basketball when he was little. Although his father teached him, he was good. But not as good as the kids in the Ball Court. 
He started to speak English when he was 3 he didn't know much though. As Starlin grew up he started to think differently and even more differently as he grew up. He thought more positive and positive. 
       He learned how to ride a bike when he was 6. He started to ride a Skateboard when he was 10. Now Starlin knows how to do all these things, including Flying kites, riding bikes, playing football, playing baseball, playing basketball, and even doing flips.